Posts tagged as "orlando-gibbons"

The Tudors – I Love, Alas

March 21, 2017

First issued by Argo in 1969 under the title ‘Elizabethan Words and Music’, this anthology of madrigals, poetry and pieces for lute is a further reissue by Eloquence from the Purcell Consort of Voices. ‘Metaphysical Tobacco’ (480 7740) is another reissue as part of ‘The Tudors’, an Eloquence series which focuses on the composers who made […]

Evensong for the Feast of Saint Edward

April 20, 2016

Westminster Abbey is a royal church, founded in 1065 by King Edward the Confessor, who was buried in the original Norman building only a few days after its consecration. Almost exactly two centuries later, in 1269, his body was ‘translated’ or removed to its present resting-place in the shrine east of the High Altar. It […]