Posts tagged as "wolfgang-amadeus-mozart"

Antal Doráti – The Mozart & Haydn Recordings on Mercury Living Presence

August 25, 2020

Antal Doráti’s complete Haydn and Mozart recordings for Mercury, predating his landmark collection of the Haydn cycle for Decca. In 1966 the Stereo Review critic made a prescient observation: ‘Doráti here establishes himself as a first-rate Haydn conductor.’ There is the passion of advocacy as well as the foundational principles of his Haydn performing style […]

Mozart: Serenades

August 25, 2020

A first international CD issue for two contrasting albums of light-orchestral Mozart from Joseph Keilberth and Thurston Dart. The two albums reissued here exemplify the postwar revolution of Classical-era performance styles. Having begun to make records in 1938, the L’Oiseau-Lyre label worked in the vanguard of the period-performance movement, yet in 1951 the Bamberg Symphony […]

Mozart: Flute Concertos; Symphonies 39, 40, 25, 29, 32

February 7, 2020

Three Philips albums of Mozart from the early years of Sir Colin Davis’s half-century association with the London Symphony Orchestra, including several recordings new to CD. Known as a peerless interpreter of Berlioz, Sibelius and Tippett, Sir Colin Davis was devoted above all to the music of Mozart. Symphonies, concertos and serenades by Mozart formed […]

Karl Münchinger – The Classical Legacy

October 17, 2019

A feast of Haydn and Mozart under the sure and stylish baton of Karl Münchinger, including several recordings making their first international appearance on CD. This box of Münchinger’s legacy in Classical-era repertoire picks up where the Eloquence set of his Baroque recordings (484 0160) left off, with six symphonies of Haydn. He had founded […]

Handel: Water Music; Mozart: Epistle Sonatas

August 20, 2019

Handel orchestral favourites from the 1950s in a winning combination of old-school polish and unaffected stylistic refinement.   With this and several other albums, Eloquence celebrates the art of Thurston Dart, the harpsichordist, conductor and editor who played a leading role in the early-music revival in postwar Britain. After his death in 1971 at the […]

Erich Kleiber, Jean Martinon – The Decca 78s

July 15, 2019

Decca studio recordings made between 1947 and 1949 with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, newly compiled and remastered by Mark Obert-Thorn and including material new to CD. Decca first presented its ‘ffrr’ technology – full frequency range recording – in 1944, originally developed by the company’s engineers as a means of detecting and identifying German submarines […]

Graziella Sciutti – A Portrait

April 18, 2019

A cherishable Mozart soprano of the 1950s and 60s, celebrated with the complete reissue of a Decca recital album, newly remastered. The quality that defined Graziella Sciutti as a singer was lightness – of voice, of bearing and presence on stage. Her vivacious intelligence was no less suited to the Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti roles […]

Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail; Overtures

September 21, 2018

The supreme exponent of Viennese Mozart and his first recording of Mozart’s ‘rescue opera’ set in a Turkish harem (Decca’s first opera to be issued on LP), coupled with a superbly stylish collection of overtures. Weber’s verdict on ‘Die Entführung’ – ‘the victory of youth in all its freshness’ – has hardly been challenged since […]

Mozart: Piano Concertos. Beethoven: Choral Fantasy

August 20, 2018

A first CD release on Deutsche Grammophon of four concertos from a master interpreter of Mozart. Describing his experience as a youth in Hungary hearing Bruno Walter play and conduct a Mozart concerto, the Hungarian pianist, Andor Foldes, stated that all in attendance ‘were happy, so obviously happy, in the service of a higher power […]

Mozart: Symphonies 35, 41, 36, 38; Posthorn Serenade

June 13, 2018

Dating from May 1956, this recording of the ‘Posthorn’ Serenade was made in what became the Indian Summer of Eduard van Beinum’s recorded legacy with the Concertgebouw. The orchestra was on song and entirely at one with their music director in this chamber-music repertoire as may already be heard in the Bach suites recorded the […]

Teresa Berganza – Eighteenth-Century Portraits

March 16, 2018

To complement a 2CD set of Rossini and Spanish songs entitled ‘Brava Berganza’ (482 6397), Eloquence has also reissued more buried treasure from the Decca discography of Teresa Berganza. The compilation takes its title from a 1961 album made, like the Rossini arias on ‘Brava Berganza’ with Sir Alexander Gibson conducting the orchestra of the […]

Mozart Live 1978

February 15, 2018

A first-time CD release for a gala concert given by the pre-eminent Mozart interpreters of the late analogue era. On 27th January, 1978 fell the 222nd birthday of Mozart and the auspicious occasion was marked in Strasbourg, at the Palais de la Musicque et des Congrès, by an ingeniously planned program which spanned a decade […]